Journal of Neurobiology Research (JNBR) covers cutting-edge research with innovation in the field of neurobiology. Our open-access platform invites researchers from diverse disciplines within neurobiology to share their latest discoveries and insights. Join us in exploring the complexities of the nervous system, from bench to bedside, and contribute to advancing our understanding of this fascinating field, including basic science and computational studies.
Our goal is to provide a platform for high-quality, peer-reviewed publications that are freely accessible to both authors and readers. JNBR operates with full sponsorship from Damghan University, ensuring that the review and publication processes are entirely cost-free. To maintain originality, all submissions are screened for similarity using iThenticate. Any detected instances of plagiarism may result in immediate rejection of the manuscript and notification to the affiliated institution.


The Journal of Neurobiology Research, published by Damghan University, operates under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

This journal adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and upholds the highest ethical principles in line with applicable ethical standards.

Every manuscript submitted is evaluated for plagiarism using iThenticate before the commencement of the review process.

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